Laser treatment of tooth hypersensitivity

Tooth hypersensitivity is becoming an increasingly common problem for patients. It is estimated that more than 30% of patients complain about larger or less ailments. The reason for the formation of tooth hypersensitivity is the unveiling of dentin tubulies, allowing various stimuli to penetrate the inside of the tooth causing pain. The causes of hypersensitivity are several, they can be included:
  • Wrong technique for cleaning teeth.
  • Bad oral hygiene, inflammation of the gums.
  • Cobblestoneism – crushing or crimping teeth.
  • Bite defects, tooth overload, gum recessions.
  • Dietary errors – consuming large amounts of carbonated drinks or juices.
  • Wrong technique for cleaning teeth, the use of bleaching pastes.
  • Stomach problems – reflux.
Very often, the above problems occur simultaneously, causing hypersensitivity of the teeth. What is the course of treatment? Here is a simplified scheme:
  • The dentist is conducting an intraoral examination and medical history with the patient to determine the cause of tooth hypersensitivity.
  • The doctor protects the hypersensitive surfaces of the teeth with fluorine gel and exposure – activates a 635nm wavelength laser.
  • Depending on the established reasons, the doctor instructs the patient about further treatment, as in order for treatment of hypersensitivity to be effective it is necessary to eliminate its causes. Without taking additional steps recommended by the dentist, the risk of recurrence of tooth hypersensitivity is high.
  • How to take care of your teeth to avoid hypersensitivity? – Proper oral hygiene is very important in the fight against tooth sensitivity. After laser procedure, we recommend that our patients use dental rinses at least once a day in the evening, use dental pastes with low abrasion, proper brushing – avoiding wiping damaged tooth tissues and recurrence of ailments.
treatment of tooth hypersensitivity Wrocław treatment of hypersensitivity with a wrocław laser

Vita-Dent Stomatologia

Stomatolog Wrocław

ul. Nobla 3, Wrocław

tel. 71 750 12 12

Stomatolog Wrocław

Ogrodowa 17, Kiełczów

tel. 71 398 84 88

Stomatolog Wrocław

Powstańców Śląskich 58a/3, Wrocław

tel. 71 750 15 15

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