Treatment of teeth in pregnant women

"One pregnancy – one lost tooth" – said such a long time was intended to justify the deterioration of the condition of teeth in pregnant women. Meanwhile, with proper prevention, follow-up visits, the condition of teeth during pregnancy does not have to deteriorate! Due to hormonal fluctuations in pregnant women, it happens that the gums become loose and are more often exposed to inflammation or bleeding during brushing. This is the direct cause of greater accumulation of plaque and thus an increased risk of tooth decay. Many women are afraid to visit dental surgery during pregnancy so as not to harm the child by chance, sometimes endure quite long pain problems which is even more harmful to the body. During pregnancy, you can safely perform most dental procedures in a way completely safe for the baby and mom. Optimally, the first visit will take place already in the process of planning the offspring or as soon as possible after the information that you are pregnant. This will allow for the safe planning of all dental care for the duration of pregnancy. Faqs:
  • When is it best to do dental treatment during pregnancy? – it is worth reporting for the first visit at the time of planning the birth of the child, if this is not possible, it is best to report for a check-up as early as possible so that the doctor can plan possible treatment. The safest period for treatment is the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
  • Is it possible to do anesthesia during pregnancy? – Yes, thanks to the use of the appropriate anesthesia technique, and choosing the best type and concentration, you can perform accurate anesthesia of the tooth without risk to the health of the child or mother, and at the same time perform the procedure completely painlessly.
  • Is it possible to treat teeth root canals in pregnant women? – Yes, although X-ray examinations are not performed and an endometer is used to measure the length of the canals. Once the tooth is resolved, such should be overexposed to ensure that the channels are properly filled.
  • What treatments are not performed on pregnant women? – no procedures that are not necessary to improve health, such as teeth whitening, should be performed, and difficult surgical procedures such as removing stopped teeth or implanting implants are usually avoided.
treatment of pregnant teeth wroclaw

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