Bridges on implants

Bridges on implants – whether zirconium or traditional veneered on metal are a very comfortable prosthetic solution solving the problem of missing several adjacent teeth. The advantages of such a solution compared to traditional bridges are primarily:
  • no need to grind pillar teeth
  • preventing bone loss after missing tooth
  • this is the solution closest to natural teeth
Questions and answers on the qualification of patients for implant treatment and a description of its types can be found on the page describing the general indications for implantation. Below we describe the course of implantoprosthetic treatment to rebuild dental deficiencies with a bridge fixed on implants. Such treatment allows to replenish dental deficiencies with a bridge on implants permanently screwed in the patient's mouth. To make a prosthetic bridge cemented on implants, you should wait 2 to 4 months after the implantation procedure in order for the implants to grow with the bone. After this period, the same procedures are carried out as in the case of crowns on implants, usually such treatment lasts 2-3 visits:
  • And the visit: the dentist unscrews the healing screws on the implants and screws the so-called impression transfers to the implant. Their task is to accurately reproduce the conditions in the mouth and determine the position of the implant on the future model cast by the technique. Then the doctor takes impressions and again screws the screws that heal the gum. At this visit, the type of planned restoration is determined – depending on the patient's choice, the technician can make a bridge consisting of porcelain crowns faced on metal or all-ceramic zirconium crowns, which are characterized by the greatest possible aesthetics.
  • II visit: after casting plaster models, the prosthetic technician makes a prosthetic bridge and sends the finished work back to the office. The dentist checks the matching of the crowns on the implants functionally and aesthetically, if the patient accepts the shape and color of the new prosthetic crowns, the doctor screws them in the patient's mouth permanently. At the end of the visit, the doctor informs the patient about the hygiene around the implants, the need for regular inspection visits, and gives the information leaflet on the above topics.
  • How should bridges cemented on implants be cared for? – the way of taking care of the hygiene of cemented bridges on implants does not differ from the way of maintaining hygiene of one's own teeth. However, it is important to remember about periodic control visits after 1 and 6 months after cementing the bridge and every 12 months thereafter.
  • What is the durability of implants and bridges cemented on them? – with proper oral hygiene, the durability of the implant is equal to the durability of your own teeth. In case of damage to the bridge on implants, it can always be pulled, and in its place you can make a new bridge – this does not affect the durability of the implant.
  • Are zirconia bridges as durable as bridges made of metal? – A zirconium oxide bridge is as strong as a bridge on a metal foundation. For the durability of the zirconbridge, a full 2-year warranty is provided – identical to standard porcelain bridges. This is made possible by the very high strength of such works. An additional advantage is the perfect aesthetic effect practically impossible to obtain at metal bridges.
  • How long does it take to make a bridge on implants? – usually from the moment of healing the gum and taking impressions to make the finished bridge, it takes about 4-6 days. Sometimes with larger, more extensive work, this time can be extended by 2-3 days. With larger prosthetic bridges, an additional visit is often necessary during which the dentist checks the finished skeleton of the bridge in the patient's mouth. Only after this stage is the bridge being cut porcelain in the laboratory and prepared for permanent cementing.

See the effects of treatment:

Bridge on implants - zirconia

Zirconia bridges on implants Wroclaw

Bridges on implants Wroclaw

Upper bridge on implants Wroclaw

circular bridge on implants, bolted bridge

Circular bridge of lower teeth

Reconstruction of lateral teeth, bridge on implants

Bridge on lateral tooth implants

bridges on dental implants, bridge of lower teeth

Circular bridge of lower teeth on implants

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